Promoting Environmental Stewardship Through
Low Impact Development
The Lower RIo Grande Valley (LRGV) Low Impact Development (LID) Program led by the RATES/RGV, Inc. (Research, Applied Technology, Education and Service, Inc. – Rio Grande Valley, Inc.)
Continue Reading A variety of direct economic benefits are derived from LID strategies, from the protection of property from flooding, to ecotourism. Urban development and rural development is growing rapidly along with the potential for flooding hazards. Addressing localized flooding in rural areas using LID technologies has never been implemented in the LRGV and is an area in need of study and research. Using GI and LID BMPs as demonstration projects, and successfully showing that LID strategies will provide property protection, flood mitigation, and NPS pollution control in the rural setting and in the rural coastal setting, indirect and direct economic impact will occur.
About the LID Program
Joining forces with the LRGV Stormwater Task Force, this program aims to demonstrate effectiveness, efficiency and economic feasibility of LID best management practices (BMP) in the region, along with an extensive educational campaign that targets local governments, related professional and the community in general.

What Is LID?
Find out more about LID as an approach to land development or re-development that works with nature to manage storm water runoff.View More

Project Gallery
Browse photos and read descriptions about the LID Projects we have been working on since the program’s inception.View More

Continuing Education
See what upcoming courses and other events will further your education on Best Management Practices for stormwater management.View More
Soil Erosion Pollution Awareness Program
REON Map: New York and RGV
Media Gallery
WATCH VIDEO – Find out how our low impact development projects are making a difference in our community